S.B.J. OSCHOFFA, Founder of the Church of the Christianity Céleste.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, our will in the Church of the Christianity Céleste it is that you reach(affect) perfection, at least that you approach it as said it Holy Paul.

I - It is necessary that you put into practice what you preach. Exhortation has value only if the clergyman lives what he teaches.

Holy Luc begins the book of the Acts of the Apostles by writing: " Théophile, I spoke in my first book of all that Jesus began to make and to teach from the beginning " (Acts I:1).

In this verse, two verbs weigh of all their weight: they are verbs "to make" and "to teach".

Jesus began so by making. Second verb "to teach" came after the verb to make.

We have to teach the truth, but especially even to practise her(it) we!!!

The currency(slogan) " make what I say to you and not what I make " is ours!

" You so who teach the others, you do not teach yourself! You who preach not to steal, you steal! You who tell not to commit adultery, you commit adultery! You who have in abomination the idols, you commit sacrilege " ( Rom.2:21-22).

We prefer "to see" a sermon rather than to hear(understand) him(it).

In all the domains, example exercises a big influence as for the good as for the evil. The Church of the Christianity Céleste protests in all its real members of good examples of Christian life. They will be it blessed.

It(he) is the same someone that bad examples will have their part of shame and adversities. And so souls which are expensive to us, having been condanmées, will be thrown(cast) in the Gehenna.

II - Give an example of humility

The Seer - minister Samuel OSCHOFFA often taught this: " Trample Me and I shall ask you for forgiveness "; and as well as our Religion has to take place under the sign of the Tolerance.

The humility of Jesus Christ led(drove) him(it) to the Cross, to the death. " It(he) was led as an ewe to the butcher's shop, and as a dumb lamb in front of the one that crops him(it); it(he) did not open the mouth. In the humiliation, the judgment was raised " (Acts 8:32-33).

If you are not humble you will not be able to walk(work) with the Lord.

III - Be patient

The Lord exhorts us to the patience in quite circumstances and towards all the people. " He who scolded did not give any insults, mistreated, did not make any threats, but recovered from it to the one that judges exactly " (I Pierre 2:23).

Be patient to everybody: the members of your family, the foreigners, the brothers and the sisters with figure of Christ, those of the other religions, the patients, the old persons, those that suffer, because in the suffering they are as children.

" Patience, patience, said P. Valery: every atom of silence is the chance of a ripe fruit. "

IV - Give a working example

" It is necessary that I make whereas he is in the daytime, the works of the one that sent to me; the night comes, where nobody can work (Jean 9:4).

" So, my beloved brothers, be firm, immovable, working better and better in the work of the Lord knowing that your work will not be vain in the Lord " ( ICOR.15:58).

V - Be brave

The one that tries hard to please the people do not really can announce God's oracles.

You have to have the courage to preach the truth, to denounce(cancel) abuses and to make him(it,her) without acceptance of person.

No man has to preach if he does not want " to announce all the advice(council) of God " (Acts 20:27).

The Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate one second to denounce(cancel) in rigorous and austere terms the hypocrites of his(its,her) time. " Misfortune to you, pharisiens hypocrites " he said.

Especially you who occupy an important load(responsibility) in the Church, you owe be brave.

It(he) would be indeed priceless for us to run(roam) the sea and the earth(ground) to make proselytes so finally these, by our fault, have to become threads of the Gehenna.

" Besides said Philippe, that all which is true, all which is honorable, all which is just, all which is pure, all which is pleasant, all which deserves approval, it which(who,whoever) virtuous and deserving of praise is the object of your thoughts and the God of peace will be with you " ( Phil.4:8).

VI - Mastery you

" Try hard to present in front of your God as a tried(felt) man, a worker who does not have to blush, who distributes adoitement the word of the truth " (II Tim. 2:15).

We have to master our bodies. It is not always easy. But let us not allow the greeds of the flesh to be our ruin and our complete defeat. If we do not master our feelings and our desires we shall derive towards the fire of the Gehenna instead of obtaining the crown of glory.

Also, the slaves of the cigarette, those that are under the influence of the Tobacco and the drugs, the drunkards, are not appropriate(clean) for the Church of the Christianity Céleste.

Psalmiste said: " Who will be able to rise to the mountain of the Eternal? Who will rise until the sanctuary? The one that has hands innocents and the pure heart, the one that does not deliver its soul to the lie and that does not swear to deceive " ( Ps.24:3-4).

You have so to keep(preserve) pure yourself. ( Tim.5:22).

VII - Keep(guard) sanctification

Our duty to God it is to sanctify us. We have to keep(guard) our souls and our pure hearts. Jesus taught the woman(wife) Samaritan, near a well: " God is spirit, it is necessary that those that like him(it), like him(it) in spirit and really " (Jean 4:24).

[ZQYW1PÚ] You which(who) received the gift(donation) to preach, sermon freely, effectively and without back thought.

[ZQYW1PÚ] You which(who) received the gift(donation) of the prediction, augurs freely. But in front of God and the people directly announce the oracles of the Eternal, without any bend!

[ZQYW1PÚ] You which(who) sings, does not sing to be seen the people. But sing with love to glorify God of a sincere heart. And your chant will rise towards the Throne of the King of the Kings.

[ZQYW1PÚ] You which(who) pray, do not make as the hypocrites, who like showing in synagogues and corners(places) of streets. But ask your Father in the secret of your heart and your Father who sees in the secret will return him(it) to you. (Math 6:5).

[ZQYW1PÚ] When you make charity, a voluntary gift(donation), does not ring the trumpet. It is necessary that your charity makes in secret. (Math 6:2). And you have to repair your disadvantages before presenting your offering to God.

Indeed, involving spiritual gifts(donations), Jesus said to the apostles:

" Go, preach and say: celestial kingdom is close. Cure the patients; resuscitate the deaths, cleanse the lepers, hunt(chase away) the devils, you received free, give free ". ( Math.10:7-8).

Do not try to benefit from a cure which you did not get. You were only an instrument in the hand of the Eternal which operated cure.

Demonstrate as Elysée that there are still true seers of God in the Church.

Indeed, when God's Elysée man learnt that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, it(he) sent to say to the king, why did you tear your clothes? Let him(it,her) come to me, and it(he) will know that there is a seer in Israel ". (II Kings 5:15-16).

And more still, this seer refused all the Naaman's presents, the Syrian, cured of the leprosy.

Do not be as Guéhazi, the servant of Elysée, who attracted(enticed) the curse of the Eternal for two talents and two clothes received from the patient cured of the leprosy. It(he) obtained a leprosy as the snow, not only for him only, but all its offspring.

It is not allowed to take, in the Church of the Christianity Céleste, clothes, money(silver), ewes, oxen(beefs), some presents, for a gift(donation) which we received free.

Do not love world, or things which are in the world. If somebody loves world the love of the Father is not in him. Because all which is in the world, the greed of the flesh, the greed of eyes and the pride of the life, does not come of the Father, but the world.

" And world crosses(spends) and its greed also. But the one that makes God's will lives(remains) eternally ". (Jean 2:15-17).

" Do not make a mistake there, one does not laugh at God. What a man will have sowed(scattered), it(he) will harvest him(it) also. The one that sows(scatters) for the flesh will harvest some flesh corruption; but the one that sows(scatters) for the spirit will harvest some spirit eternal life. Let us not grow tired of doing good because we shall harvest in the suitable time, if we do not loosen. " ( Gal.6:7-9).

If we follow the education of Jesus, we shall let gleam our light.

" You are the light of the world, a city situated on a mountain not maybe hidden, and one lights no lamp to put her(it) under the boisseau, but one puts her(it) on the candlestick, and she(it) lights(enlightens) all what are in the house.

That your light gleams in front of the people so that they see your good works, and so that they glorify your Father who is in heavens ". ( Math.5:14-16).

" Be faithful until the death, and I shall give you the crown of life. " ( Apoc.2:10).

< < We Mefions, one does not deceive the alive God > >.

Yes, my brothers, none of us is still completed, but we shall try to become him(it,her) every jour:nous let us have at our disposal God's mirror which allows us to see in our soul.

< < The Bible for the believer is the holy book, it contains God's message to the people, the progressive revelation of the nature and God's ouevres, and also decisive explanation on the condition of the man and its fate > >. (Roland of Valleys).

Indeed, it is with force of law that this divine mirror reveals us: << do not you know that the inequitable will not inherit kingdom of God? Do not make a mistake there: neither the unchaste nor the idôlatres, nor the adulteries, nor the efféminés, nor the vile nor the swindlers nor the grasping, nor the drunkards, nor the extravagant, nor the kidnapers, will inherit kingdom of God > > (I corth.6 v.9-10).

Here is dear brothers, because we like looking at our mirror every day and even several times a day, look also at every day and even several times a day in the divine mirror.

When, looking in our mirror, we find our dirty face, which let us make we? We turn away us from the mirror to go to wash itself the face.

It(he) owes so it's the same when, we look in the divine mirror. If we notice some impurity on our soul, best would be of us to free of it before it(he) is too late.

The sky can be the sweet lives(remains) of each of us in Au-dela! ( Amen).

Extracts of the educations of the Fire, the Seer Minister S.B.J. OSCHOFFA

Founder of The celestial Church of the Christ